Take Action

What you can do to educate yourself and rescue public education

You can help rescue public education from the current trend of declining academic performance, poor financial decision making, and from third party influencers by getting involved and helping to educate those around you.  It's time to put the community back into our schools and ensure they are truly an independent school district and they fit the need of local towns, cities, and neighborhoods.

  • Log into your child's homework portal i.e., Schoology.
  • Talk with your neighbors.
  • Ask to see your district's check/disbursement register from the finance department and the superintendent.  Look for book/curriculum purchases, consultants, PD (professional development training)
  • Talk with your children
  • Be informed, research
  • Go to your local school board meetings.
  • Speak at your local school board meeting's open forum.
  • Connect with your legislative representatives.
  • Write letters to the editor.